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we care!

As a pet owner, you’ve probably dealt with fleas at one time or another, but did you know that they can infest your home? Once your beloved cats or dogs bring them into your home, they can live in your carpet, bed, furniture, cushions, and walls. If you find that your home has become infested by fleas, you need to do more than just treat your pet-you need a team of professionals to treat your entire home. Luckily, we are here for you. When you call on us for flea control, we will arrive to our appointment on time, locate all problem areas, and effectively treat your home.

How Our Flea Control Service Works

Over-the-counter flea control products are rarely effective. You need a team of professionals that know exactly how to locate and treat any and all problem areas, so you can enjoy lasting pest control. As soon as you notice any signs of a flea infestation in your home, give our pest control technicians a call. Our treatment plan is guaranteed to take care of your flea problem.

Do i need to treat my pets?

In order for our treatment to be effective, it is important that any domestic animals with access to your home be treated for fleas and have some sort of flea protection (collar, flea shampoo, etc.). Since most fleas are brought into a home by animals, this helps prevent fleas from being reintroduced into your home in the future once the current fleas have been taken care of.

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