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Pest Control

Pest control is a vital prevention step to be taken for residential and commercial properties, both having solutions that are unique and varying to each. Spick N Span is capable of terminating any type of infestation such as termites, bed bugs, cockroaches, etc. Our solutions are strong, long-term, and effective. Our services are customized to meet your exact needs whether may it be a business or a household. Our Pest control services are carried out as a one-time job or on a periodic basis because clients usually have a zero-tolerance policy for pests. While considering the areas of treatment, the size and nature of the environment, type of pest species causing concern, the severity level of the existing pest problem, the surrounding circumstances, and control appetite of the business are taken into consideration. Pest control is crucial as insects and rodents carry and spread diseases that can infest your kitchens and bedrooms, and they can also bite you or your pets, spreading diseases with direct contact. The objective of terminating any kind of pests from your home, garage, or yard is to keep you safe and healthy. Pests can degrade a business’s reputation and also lead to major damage in terms of the physical aspect of your business. Cockroaches, rodents, and bed bugs particularly in a business enclosure can be the cause of major obstacles within the organization and its treatment swiftly and as efficiently as possible are what we prioritize to ensure the continued health of your business. There are several different types of pest control methods that may be used, including physical methods (such as sealing off entry points or installing screens), chemical methods (using pesticides or other chemicals to kill pests), and biological methods (such as introducing predators to control pest populations). The specific method used will depend on the type of pest being controlled, the location of the infestation, and any specific concerns or needs of the client. If you are in need of pest control services, it is important to choose a reputable company that follows all relevant laws and regulations and uses safe and effective methods. You should also be sure to clearly communicate your concerns and any specific needs you may have, such as allergies or sensitivities to certain chemicals.

There are several steps you can take to prevent pests from infesting your home or business:

  1. Keep your home or business clean and organized. Pests are attracted to food, water, and clutter, so regularly cleaning up crumbs, spills, and clutter can help deter them.
  2. Repair any cracks or holes in your walls or foundations. Pests can enter your home or business through small openings, so sealing off these entry points can help prevent infestations.
  3. Store food in sealed containers. Pests are attracted to food, so keeping your food stored in sealed containers or in the refrigerator can help prevent them from getting access to it.
  4. Keep your trash in a sealed container. Pests are attracted to garbage, so keeping your trash in a sealed container and regularly disposing of it can help prevent infestations.
  5. Use pest-proof containers for pet food. Pests are attracted to pet food, so keeping it in pest-proof containers can help prevent infestations.
  6. Use screens on windows and doors. Screens can help prevent pests from entering your home or business through open windows and doors.
  7. Use natural pest repellents. Certain plants, such as peppermint and citronella, can act as natural pest repellents. Planting these around the perimeter of your home or business can help deter pests.
  8. Regularly inspect your home or business for signs of pests. Regularly checking for signs of pests, such as droppings or damaged areas, can help you identify and address infestations before they become a bigger problem.
  Consider professional pest control services. If you are unable to prevent pests on your own, or if you have a severe infestation, it may be necessary to seek the assistance of a professional pest control company.









Bed Bugs












Dust Mites

Carpet Moths









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