10 Ways to Keep your Office Clean

10 Ways to Keep your Office Clean

15 July 2022

Keeping your office clean is a very important task and yet an annoying one too. As it is one of the most important places for any employee, it should be as clean as possible. A healthy workspace helps you make healthy  decisions and make work more productive. Make sure that everyone is taking equal responsibilities to make the office environment...

What is the difference between Disinfection and Sterilisation.

What is the difference between Disinfection and Sterilisation.

10 April 2021

Now that it is the pandemic times, more focus is given on Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization for controlling the Covid-19 infection. Let’s check out what they mean and the differences in the terminology. Disinfection Sterilization It is the process or act of destroying pathogenic microorganisms on surfaces. In Sterilization process, all forms of life, including transmissible agents like viruses, bacteria,...

How to Hire a Pest Control Company

How to Hire a Pest Control Company

25 February 2021

So now you find yourself with a big bug problem! You try to solve it yourself, but the bug infestation is getting out of control. If you find yourself spending more time and money tackling your pest problem than you’d like, there is someone who can take care of everything for you, worry-free! The only choice is to call in...

Pests and The Health Risks They Pose

Pests and The Health Risks They Pose

20 January 2021

Are you aware that pests are a serious threat to your health? Any sort of pest in your home is a big problem. Apart from that the infestation can damage your home as well. The sting and bite of many pests can cause allergic reactions which in rare cases may be fateful. Pests also carry harmful bacteria which may affect...

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